Tuesday, 28 August 2012

CPD Thing #15

Thing #15 Attending, presenting at and organising seminars, conferences and other events.
I like this thing, I know its not normal to like that but I am a bit odd! I enjoying meeting and listening to others, I enjoy shareing ideas and passions, I love the buzz that a group of people make when they are all engaged. Part fo this is fomr school, I have no worries stood in fornt of the classes, the year groups or the whole school, even on stage has no worries for me. I do my best and that all I can do, so speaking has few worries, I will add total unknowns sacres me, and I alwasy worry some one brighter or more knowledable may stand up and challeneg me. But those fears are nice and normal. Had to do a slot at our last meeting and did mine off the cuff! :-) which was fun and a great challenge! I have said I shall speak at the next Umbrella in 2013 If I have a topic that I can share and be passionate about.
I enjoy teh shareing that goes on at conferences and meetings, I have plans for a mashup which will be in easter 2013 in inverness so watch out for more info to follow. I think I may have a venue! I also have some who already are interested! But I need to soting it out now so mext weekend I shall go down and talk to my potential venue and see if I can either get funding or sponsorship to make it a free event! (bring a packed lunch though as I doubt I can get much) So I am not sure how I would class this thing? Like most others it is an ongoing thing! I may organise an event in inverness for the CPD23 but it would have to be in the october break and that may be too late! I shall see :-).

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