Sunday, 30 October 2011

Home time

I am having a kitchen day, no work, no other stuff, just fun, and baking.
Have done a wash load and dried one, made sponge cake and bread and making Christmas cake!
Have the makings out for a casserole and doing apple crumble with the last of our own apples for tea! Must go and move clothes to get more washing going, but as you see a nice baking day!
I refuse to get dressed and after my nice bath (early afternoon when I have a new book to read in my kindle) I shall make the next bits of food and tidy up, and Hubby is finally doing the window! but now has run out of wood so tomorrow will include a trip to Thurso to get more!
Kittens are under foot begging for food and, well, more food!
Kids are either up and on the computer, up and out with mates or not yet up! depending on their own worlds...
Saw the new calendars yesterday and I need some, so I must get money sorted and go buy some from the northern loops bods! And had good day out at the Dunnet Brittania hall car boot sale!
I would upload pics but the sponge cake is gone the bread is almost gone and the big cake is still cooking, and the rest is just ideas... so just trust me it was good :-)

Tuesday, 25 October 2011


I don't want to finish the cpd23 and so am finding lots to do rather than it! This doesn't work and I really should just bite the bullet, but somehow I feel if I finish it, it is over somehow, and I don't want to do that! Life is like trying to ford a river in flood, pushed too and fro, hit by passing debris while trying to keep as much of me dry, each extra wet item gets rationalised, or ignored. The end in sight but seeming out of reach, and while some passing people help I still can't quite get across. I know this is just me being slightly swamped, and I know I can do all this and more and most I am enjoying. I am not as well I could be and I think it is dragging me down a bit. I am just in the right frame of mind to write really bad poetry... But all that reminds me of is a dear friend who is ill, and who I can't help, save or even make any more comfortable! His loss will be great and sadly not that far off.
I need my holidays but we have just come back form them, I think I shall collapse and not get out of bed for the weekend and that way I may be better for next week (when CAT testing takes over, maybe) Ho Hum, bell goes and back to work! I shall do more CPD23 this week and finish it by the end of next week I hope.

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Things #17 and #19

I have just spent a morning making a prezi presentation which turned out to be harder than I first thought but ultimately easier than I feared, this was my first try and very bitty it looks now I am done but I didn't have a plan when I started it. HLH Libraries which was fun to make... So I can rate Thing #17 as a success, I will be making more and dragging it round to the teachers and other librarians as and when I can, I am so glad I did cpd23 and have been recommending it round when I can.
Thing #19 is more reflective, I haven't kept my diary as well as I had hoped but find myself doing the tasks even in my head most days and just adding them to paper if I have too much or if I start missing things, mostly I have sorted out my head with it and hope to keep reapplying it, I am not all efficent and organised but I am getting there. Some things I have tried and not found to my liking, I loved the idea of google documents but didn't find them good to use, the calendars managed to get others interested and now the ICT suites and the library in the school are all bookable through an online google calendar which means you can see the whole school provision at a glance (not my own work but I clami midwife rights) I am enjoying my CPD23 time and make a little bit most weeks for it, I don't always blog as sometimes it takes me a few days to get my head round an idea. It is harder to Blog when I don't see any use for a tool as I don't know if I should look closer or it just isn't for me!
I shall be catching up again this week but may not get blogged until the holidays next week when I should get more peace time.