Monday, 21 January 2013

Reading and Partying

I have just been asked which blogs I read for my Library and thought that would be a good point to start on,  my faves are  by  and  by  and this was my reply (in under 140 characters of course) my own twitter being @bibliosuk . I don't look for library blogs past these actively but realised afterwards I read an awful lot more than that!
I tend to read blogs I enjoy, either for the content or the style. Some are funny, some are useful, all tend to past semi regularly, I hate getting a post and realising I have no idea who or what they are as they haven't posted in ages! or my pet hate which is many many posts a day! my most prolific at the moment is the history girls which is done by a group of history writers all female who blog every day about things that interest them.  While I may never have wondered about 18th century wigs, or letter writing in the Victorian time or even the fate of women in the roman time, the writers have such passion you end up reading and enjoying all sorts of back ground stuff.

The party part of the title was an invite to a 70th party being thrown as a surprize party. He was very suprized, we were also asked to come in world war two work ware. which ended up being taken as 40's style so we had boiler clad flyers, land girls, spivs and some very nicely clad in minks and posh dancing shoes! over all it was a blast. Best of all was the live band who played and sang for hours! I wasn't going to stay all night but ended up staying for the end of the band! so much fun, danced, swayed and generally behaved in a disgraceful manner, so doing that again! The pictures that are trickling on to facebook have all made me laugh, especially ones of me, I went as a house wife based on my granny whose style didn't change form those days, so I was in florals and pinny, what I didn't realise was my lack of waist meant said pinny slipped down and looked very silly by the middle of the evening! The organiser looked amazing in her 1940's  matrons outfit, her hubby thought she looked very scary dressed like that but joked he'd take it off her later!

Monday, 14 January 2013

Running at full speed

The last week has been about getting evidence in some sort of share-able format, getting LEAP plans finalised or even part done to accurately show what we are doing and why! All of which we do anyway but not polished and complete until after, so it taking time. Picking up strings from a colleague off sick and making sure everything is in place, and trying to shape plans for future items not yet on the horizon.

I was asked to write a UCAS reference for an ex-pupil I have kept contact with, there have been a few over the years who I have kept links or missed loads when they go, I am always pleased when I meet them or can help, so this was a treat. Problem, deadline also this week coming (yes it is done and sent but ackkk) I have been running at such a speed, worry I will crash so took Sunday to recharge. Washed laundry and got treated to Lunch at my fave restaurant, sadly had to write future LEAP plan and reword report on author visit I was lucky to have last term. But overall a nice relaxing day. 

I have not been doing my reflective writing and at the moment it is showing, I am just keeping my head above water! This is such a good example of why I should do this and I need to make sure it is part of my week. I will do some today as I need to work out what I have in the air, like a juggler, as I know I have missed something. Did treat myself to the new knitting magazine, and made a square and started a second one from the wool and needles on the font :-) not that I need any teaching but relearning things allows you to pick up things you may have missed first time through or didn't fully understand. So garter stitch squares for me on one hand and a nice crofter sock in the opposite pocket to keep me entertained.
Sadly I missed one of last years challenges which was to start my Gansey jumper, I didn't get it going so this years home challenge is to do this and to get some order in my craft things!

Friday, 11 January 2013

Happy New Year

Happy new year to you all.
This holiday has been very strange  bouncing from high and then lows and ongoing issues as well as normal Christmas (nothing to see here keep on walking), I started the holidays in a strap for my wrist and by Christmas had lost all use of my left arm and while the pain had let up the ache is still present! On a good note I have some of it back (yeah I can type) and with some help (physiotherapy!) I will get the rest back, and hopefully learn not to hurt it again.
Had a lovely Christmas with all my family then lost half back to the north, just as well, the roof needed work and daughter missed her BF, but it left me with limited driving skills in Devon with a big car! had a quiet New Year and got packed and home. Thankfully hand got me home (16 hours from door to door) so New Year started well.

I have been looking at other blogs with new years challenges and resolutions in, I haven't done this for years and think may be I shall set a few up here to make sure I hold to it:-

  • First has to be tidy more often, I know where my stuff is but it isn't very neat and organised!
  • Next I want to move my CPD on wards  last year I completed the CPD23 which was amazing, I gained a few more mentees and attended a wonderful Cilip Course on portfolio that has fired up my interest again. I want to get some of them finished on their portfolios and chartered!
  • I also want to set up a course here in highlands, as well as going to the wonderful umbrella conference this year (I have my accommodation booked already)
  • My local staff also need me to be around more for them, I have found this bit harder than I thought it would be.
We are due a PLQIM peer review assessment and the paper work has my head spinning! thankfully my bit is done and we 'know' what is needed. I hope this will go well.

I have spent a week writing this despite is shortness as there has been so much to take in and change! I hope to get back to most weeks blogging by the end of the month :-).
Just a quick smile for geeks :-) I got myself a cup, like Q's in skyfall! how sadly nerdy is that, but 'OMG its Q's cup!'