Thursday, 11 June 2009

buzy doing nothing

What a strange day, of lots of work with nothing done. I watered my many and increasing plants which took over half an hour just to go round and pour in water, but still felt I got nothing done. I generated some lovely posters and finished pieces of work for a reading game I ran earlier in the week, I organised and replaced all the prospectuses for the year and put the old ones out to recycling. I sorted new books and got most ready to put out on Monday after my council meeting. I even managed to tell all my council bods so all should know about said meeting. Ran another reading game to its conclusion and stored the information needed to make more posters. Went into town after work and saw several people I hadn't seen in ages. Organised my art for tonight and my last class. But still I feel I haven't done anything today?
I think it must just be the wrong time of the school year, today was the last day of the old timetable, and the upper school had no work to do and the lower school were all trying to get things finished before changing teachers! The 4th year spent the day either in sports day or wandering from class to class. The fifth year were much reduced and of 2 classes on the balcony only 2 pupils arrived, and the 6th year wandered round making tearful farewells and trying to explain why they still have their book from 4/5th year out.
So I shall shelve my odd day and go to my last class with sadness and plans to return in autumn.

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