Tuesday, 6 December 2011
Today I spent half an hour dressed like a twit, acting like a numpty, having my picture taken for a fundraising calendar, (yes I know Sharon) I have liberated a copy of one to put up here!
I was Professor Umbridge, in pink! of course, Mari Matthews was fab as Minerva mcgonagall behind me, Carole Darmady as Trelawney was scary! poor Daniel could see nothing as Dumbeldore with all that hair, Anne was a fine Mrs Weasley, and Jonny as Hagrid was a tour De force! the 'youngsters' were Siony as Ginny, Norma as Hermione and of course our own Management bod as Harry Potter.
Very silly and much fun was had by all!
Saturday, 3 December 2011
wind and rain
Work has been hard and full of quandary's, I hope I dealt with them all okay, only time will tell.
Today Tom's aunt was buried, and sadly my uncle died, double whammy. Both old and in very poor health, Kathleen didn't know who was who at a family get together 7 years ago and had got worse. While Peter had suffered a series of strokes leaving less and less of him there.
I am getting through my secret Santa knit and have a promotion possible, so like the weather wind and rain but potential clear skies to come.
Mind you we do have a bit of snow due Sunday :-) may have to look out the sledge again...
Sunday, 6 November 2011
Autumns here!
No sun - no moon!
No morn - no noon -
No dawn - no dusk - no proper time of day.
No warmth, no cheerfulness, no healthful ease,
No comfortable feel in any member -
No shade, no shine, no butterflies, no bees,
No fruits, no flowers, no leaves, no birds! -
Thomas Hood
Sunday, 30 October 2011
Home time
Tuesday, 25 October 2011
I need my holidays but we have just come back form them, I think I shall collapse and not get out of bed for the weekend and that way I may be better for next week (when CAT testing takes over, maybe) Ho Hum, bell goes and back to work! I shall do more CPD23 this week and finish it by the end of next week I hope.
Tuesday, 4 October 2011
Things #17 and #19
Thing #19 is more reflective, I haven't kept my diary as well as I had hoped but find myself doing the tasks even in my head most days and just adding them to paper if I have too much or if I start missing things, mostly I have sorted out my head with it and hope to keep reapplying it, I am not all efficent and organised but I am getting there. Some things I have tried and not found to my liking, I loved the idea of google documents but didn't find them good to use, the calendars managed to get others interested and now the ICT suites and the library in the school are all bookable through an online google calendar which means you can see the whole school provision at a glance (not my own work but I clami midwife rights) I am enjoying my CPD23 time and make a little bit most weeks for it, I don't always blog as sometimes it takes me a few days to get my head round an idea. It is harder to Blog when I don't see any use for a tool as I don't know if I should look closer or it just isn't for me!
I shall be catching up again this week but may not get blogged until the holidays next week when I should get more peace time.
Monday, 5 September 2011
So work is moving and I am still keeping my reflective journal (not sure I am doing it right but its happening) and so am not missing work things, home is not quite as organised but there are 4 other people to sort there...
Kittens now small cats and very fun but hard work. they are all jagged and chipped and well, poor smudge still growls at them but they do like to stalk her! poor love.
Things #15, #16 and #18
Thing #15 #16 and #18
I see thing #17 got postponed, such is life.
I have a bad wrist so my typed work is short at the moment, no reflection on cdp23! Just me!
Thing #15 is about going to and participating in conferences and events, I did go to umbrella this summer and got heaps from it. I need to know more about advocacy (yes thing #16) and to be more open minded (as well as open posted, I didn’t always open my Cilip post if I was busy!) I plan to set up a mash up in the winter/spring when our own work has settled, new jobs fun but hard work esp. as my other side has problems and I was in the works depot at 8am looking at the state of the library van! After the 1st of October we become a ‘private ltd co’ and we hope to have the bulk of our training done by the end of the year, so I shall be organising one for after that in the highland capital Inverness. So yes I will be attending, organising and even plan to give a paper for the next Umbrella on how life has changed for us and how to get the best from it! Big plans but I hope to live up to it.
Thing #16 is one I need to do more of, I shall be changing my groups or adding it, I didn’t know what was covered by this and I need to know more. I shall be following more links and doing more work, and I think this for me is tied in with thing #15. I need to get my blog out to a wider audience, and I need to get more of my own interactions into the wider professional community. I shall be looking into the links and doing more commenting and I shall be linking my blog to the cdp23 for this thing as it is potentially the most important one so far. As a profession we can only stand a whole, no one else will ride in to save us (and we shouldn’t wait for it either) We need each other and if we all work together we can make changes, we can show a need. One voice isn’t much but when its many we have more chance, and we need to say more and do more (when we have time!) and the best tool for this is advocacy.
Thing #18 I already do to a bit of an extent, I have film of the kids on world book day and other things saved but not yet used! I spend part of my day watching podcasts and news clips, and I make power points to catch and keep kids attention already, but to step into podcasting is a big one, I am looking forward to making a podcast of my library skills so other kids can do it as they get time, or to brush up on them. As I am part of a group looking into best practice in this I am hoping ot get the best and podcast it, sadly I don’t have all the technology yet but I have plans and hope to be more savvy next term when glow to meeting get running more.
Over all I am finding that the CPD23 is helping but I will be going back and doing things when they more fit in my time, I plan to take some work on holiday at Christmas to write and do when not online!
Wednesday, 31 August 2011
Thing #14
The start of the new term for school librarians is taken up with the library skills for the new first years and as I am over half way through (as of 30 mins ago!) I can finally see light at the end of the tunnel and hope it isn't an oncoming train (like normal).
I now realise that thinking at glacial speed has meant that I haven't done thing 15 or 16 yet but I hurt my arm at the weekend and have spent last 3 days in allot of pain, mehh, I live. I am still keeping my reflective diary which has done me some good but find I cant keep it over the weekend as I am too distracted! but now I know! I can do so much and achieve this much and more isn't realistic, for that alone I think the CPD23 is a winner!
I must go and sort out the next Library skills class and the next things! while keep track of other things in planning, I need a secretary not a diary! applications accepted, pay nil, hours awful, conditions ad hoc! lol.
Wednesday, 24 August 2011
Thing 13
The council it moving towards shared folders and cloud storage, so Ultimately I can save in one place and open in another, luckly I have the same spec at home as at work so can transfer seemlessly!
I can't add software to my work mahcine and part of the good of drop box is file share, so that isn't an option for work. I shall be trying and useing it in other circumstances but for now I have tried and won't keep using google docs.
This is a problem that needs to be solved as printing and posting things gets less practicle and my last job application was compelety electronic!
Head back to front
Hospital appointment went well, and consultant was happy. Funeral had gone well and Husband was able to tell me who all had gone. Had a nice supper and online play and an early ish bed, asleep by midnight! so when I woke at 7.30 after a good rest I don't know which of my things helped but I shall keep it up!
Stress filled am as I had my first lib skills with new 1st year and not all was in place! but it ran okay I just have to iron out the bumps! next is tomorrow! Just checked the book and I cant get to the roadshow and get the library skills done! I shall see if I can get to another one. So I must go and do work.
Roll on UFO day this Saturday, I need to peace!
Friday, 19 August 2011
Thing #12
Thing #12
Before I came back into Libraries and just after my return I had a very large and very supportive online group, they were based all over the world, form Australia to the US to Asia and Africa, we had a basic interest in common but beyond that we were just chatting and helping each other get through each day and week, some had dependants others had long, hard or no jobs. We chatted whenever we were online and had much fun, but I noticed as I got more into the online group I had less and less real life contact’s until I wasn’t going out and my day was spent sneaking online or waiting impatiently for time to go online.
I do like social networks but I am aware that for me they are an addition and must never be a replacement for real life links, They can help keep links and contacts alive, they can add depth and value to your work and friendships and keep distant ones closer. They are a means to an end not an end in itself and while they have a lot of value they are only a tool like the majority of the Things have been to use as much or as little as suits you.
Being so remote I do find that social networking helps keep my professional awareness up, I was at one time the only qualified, employed council librarian for nearly a hundred miles with one academic librarian in the next town and a few retired and one self-employed one in the whole of the county. We all know of each other if we needed help.
Drawbacks to social networking is the vast differences between situations, There are very few Librarians in the same situation as me and even my colleagues are different. This led to limited help and only those who also use the same network’s as me, e.g. Facebook, yahell, etc. Also the hardware I had has changed and some would not let me in to some chats or networks, while others ran fine for me but not others.
I have been following The CPD23 and have made some new links though it and will hope to keep that up, I am aware that I could ‘friend’ everyone but never know who was who or why I had them in 2 or 3 years’ time! I have added a few new people to my networks and found a few new networks, I will be adding more as I get to know them through blog or RSS feeds etc.
I did use social networks for work before but wasn’t sure what is the best and the sheer number available needed me to be helped through it, and that is the joy and best of CPD23 for me. I plan to keep using and developing my own skills long after this has finished and I shall be redoing this in a year or so’s time to refresh all these skills and to help me re-find any lost aims and interests!
Final question is the easiest and the hardest, my opening paragraph about my obsession with online group and not real life shows that I found a community there, the problem for me was if the Internet was down I was bereft and as it wasn’t any work side I didn’t keep up with the work I needed to do. Yes you can foster and keep a community alive but it takes commitment that you must put in to get out. It is easier to not bother if you have never looked a group of people in the face than if you know they are sat in a hall without you and wondering what has happened to you today! Tomorrow is my favourite craft groups’ monthly meeting which I missed due to holidays last month and I can’t wait to get in and share new things and ideas, and take fresh baking and have fun.
Social Networks are good and can help and keep things alive, but nothing beats a good old sit and chat, face to face. Body language makes up so much of our input and emoticons don’t fill the gap J.
Wednesday, 17 August 2011
Things #8 to #11
Things #8, #9, #10, and #11
I have been working away in the back ground and getting things finished and sorted but not always blogged about. I did Thing 8 which is the Google calendar which set me off thinking about making one for the library to allow staff to book the library and see when things are busy etc., but that needs to be separate from me as I need the calendar to keep track of me!
I am still keeping my reflective diary from thing #5 and week 4 and I have filled in where I have been, what I have done, how good it was and what I plan to do. This was fine when I was at home more days than work but now I am back to work full time I find I need somewhere to put my plan notes and calendar helps me keep track and mark off I have done or not!
When I first read the 23 things I knew I may get lots out of this option and have been looking forward to it, I was right it has opened new vistas for me and I am working much more efficiently. If I stopped now I am already showing the benefits of this CPD and must thank you for it, and the chance to participate.
I did like thing #9 Evernote and will be using it on-going but I also can’t download it to my work computer and so can’t use at work, I am hoping if it is good and very useful to make a business case for its inclusion in our software bundles. Here’s hoping.
Thing #10 and #11 are Training options, #10 is the courses and accreditations you could do, I looked into an MA/PG course distant learning, which is done by one of the university’s up here, which would fit in round my work, I would love the chance to do a PG and being a bit of a student again would be fun, sadly the cost was very high at over 7k for the 3 year course, current family circumstances means that my children are just off to college etc. now and in the next 3 or 4 years, after that I may go and get an MA of my own J But currently being a mentor for chartership is fulfilling my need to keep active along with cpd23.
Thing #11 is a good one for me as I have been doing this without planning it for years, I tend to find people who I can ask questions of and share that with others newer than me, I am currently just starting buddying a new network librarian who is taking on a big post not far from me (in highland terms) and am just getting my first mentee ready to submit! I have a semi-formal mentor who has been a great help to me for nearly 20 years and as I have moved up and on so she has ahead of me which makes our connection very strong. I also have had informal mentors over the years in many areas, some over lapping but all have been who and what I needed at the time. I have never had a formal mentor, even my chartership mentor was very hands off, so I may have not always gained here but my semi-formal one has always been there and has taken an active interest in my work even when I worked for other companies and places.
Other issues have been back to school which is a big thing, but staffing changes meant the library timetable is torn up and I shall have to start again. Sadly we also lost a dear friend and colleague last night, while driving home with another colleague they were hit by an oncoming campervan on the wrong side of the road and he was killed outright and declared dead at the scene, the driver who had to be cut out is not being sent to a bigger hospital to get her arm put back together and this is all very sad to us.
My thoughts are with his wife and sons.
Thursday, 11 August 2011
Thing #7
Thing #7
The task is to write about my experiences with professional
organisations, what involvement have I had, how it has affected my career, what
I learned, why I am not a member or why I am, and which group am I now
interested in.
I am and have been a member of the Cilip since 1988, and have used various
parts of the organisation and its groups over the years. No matter what else I
have done over the years I have kept my membership and kept up with the information
they are sending out. I also have kept
informal track of what is going on and even done some evening classes and open
learning courses, to help me as well as following my own interests for work and
have been lucky enough to have the right skills at the right time.
The main issue with face to face networks is where I am. I
live in the far north of Scotland
and Inverness is nearly 3 hours south of us. When the council deleted the Principle
Librarian's job several years ago, us school librarians decide we would
organise a meeting every term and chose the third week back, we also set an Inverness
and outside Inverness groups so one term it was one and the next term it was
the other. Nobody got to all meetings and every meeting was in a new library or
location, which made for an interesting visit too. This helped us support each
other, share good practice and help develop a sense of community. We did this
as there is no other thing organised just for us.
I have explored the links in the blog post for Thing
#7 and while some are USA based and a few UK there are none this far north.
I am part of other professional groups for my craft work and the CANSCDG of
which I am chair. I am also part of a Nesta supported group called Northern Loops. I am also
very interested in the Library MASHUPS
which I learnt more about at the Umbrella Conference, and hope to bring to the
Highlands. I must confess I didn't feel any need to add to any of my groups I
am part of and I didn't find anything new to go to or enjoy up here, but I am planning
to change that and will be passing the info about when I have it sorted out.
Wednesday, 10 August 2011
Think #6
Thing #6
network sites, which I had been looking forward to, like most of the things hasn't
been what I thought it would be. I have checked all the ones suggested and found very differing reactions and results to them.
I did like
this and it had loads of info but it also scared me at this time, very full of work and networking, almost a CV online in many cases, and I am sure that is
its function but while I will check it and may join one day I chose not to at
the moment, as I have enough in my life with work and world changes and
currently have no need of more work or a new job, one for my future bit not
This one I
have been on for years and I love the games and keeping a gentle touch on lives
of distant friends and family, I also keep a closer link to friends and colleagues
closer and to relax, less of a social network as a social need for me :-) I did
add the pages to my likes that I didn't have yet, but I also have others already and in my twitter. Due to work constraints I can only access all of facebook at
home but can use RSS feeds like netvibes.com to access the main info.
This one
was new to me and I have joined to see more, I like the idea of sharing news
and ideas and while I graduated 20 years ago that only means I have to work harder to keep relevant, and tools like this will help me. I also left my forum comment for the Hi section, with my blog in, I must confess I have a blog and
blog often but rarely tell anyone about it :-)
Being in
education and knowing that every librarian is a teacher either formally or informally, I joined this one automatically, I am also planning my library
skills at the moment and making it much more hands on...
I knew this
existed but haven't been on it until now, I had some time to wander and amazingly found a long lost friend on it and we have linked up again after 10
years gap and it is nice to find she too has work in this world of fewer jobs,
and is doing well. For all that this one seems like it needs some love or a
push as there wasn't much there beyond people search!
Over all I
have enjoyed doing the social network thing for CPD23, I have picked up new
ideas and joined a few new groups, I have also worked out how I can track my RSS from last week (yeh late I know) and I am getting more out of each thing
than I expected, It helps to have it laid out and one at a time, but now of
course I am off to check on thing 7 :-D.
Saturday, 6 August 2011
Thing #5
Life and Times
Thing 4
Wednesday, 3 August 2011
Thing 3
By following the weeks plan and may be a bit faster I can catch up and do with others, I plan to try the NANOWRIMO one year and will make a big song and dance so I am shamed to keep it up. I am also going to share this at our meet day and hope that by being ahead and having others catch me up I will keep motivated.
Thing 3 was this week and my brand, this had me thinking and I did do this a few days ago but it has been until now to get my head round it, I don't have a clear brand, I like open world and tend not to put me in the picture. I have now changed my picture to be me, a resent shot which I can live with, and shall slowly do for all my sites, I don't have a personal/professional sides apart. My children inspire my work and my work is part of my life. I try to be as professional in my life as I can be and that is across the board.
My vanity search was fun, I haven't been to rate my teacher for ages and I don't have a good rating, too bad, but they also don't play up in my library nor do they waste resources! Also threw up an old twitter account I must find and either change to current or remove, I did go to second pages etc and yes still me (I do have an odd name) and nothing I wouldn't want a boss to know and some I had forgotten and am proud of.
I think I shall be thinking about my brand and how to bring it all under a few simple images/icons I did spend a while on the web under various aliases I shall look over them and decide on who I am, as this is the way this 'thing' has taken my mind. I have found each thing taken alone is fine and I hope by doing each in turn I don't wander away...
I was reading a blog about hope from a friend and she was saying how hope is double edged, as when things go wrong you not only have to deal with the problem but also cope with loss of hope, and her final thoughts were to live in hope but plan for the worst. :-) I will finish these Things, but may be not as they were first planned ;-D
Thursday, 28 July 2011
Brave New World
I have shaken my myself, found new things to excite me and shook some of my new friends by jumping up on soap boxes and ranting at the drop of a hat! I have spread my fresh gaze across big chunks of my world and found my wardrobe boring, my house cluttered, and my job staid! so I am upgrading, Friends are helping me shake out my dress sense (esp before the next potential promotion comes up) my lovely husband (when not doing my head in) is making inroads into the house sort out (no longer hindered my me) and I am all fired up and excited again about libraries, and so I thought to keep this I would try the 23 things.
Enough Grandstanding I have spent part of my morning joining the write path and the 23 things, checking other sources and feeding my excitement, sadly I must also go and sort the paperwork and other things sat in boxes awaiting my time but I sort them with renewed vigour and hope that I can at least touch this state again even if there are lapses back to comfy now and then :-D
I will write about the Cilip Conference, but I am still trying to get the ideas round my head :-) #UB11
Monday, 25 July 2011
Where to Start!
My fortnight began in Inverness and a plane to Luton! I then had a selection of routes to Hatfield, for the campus and the Umbrella Conference. I had taken wool but no needles and found a shop in the centre of St Albyns, where i could get a bus and then get a connecting bus right to my stop. Wonderful and a bit of fun, I love bus travel I am like a meerkat, watching turning and staring on buses :-) and despite having no idea where I was going I got off in the right stop and walked to the shop. That is when my day lost a bit of gloss, :-( the shop had closed last month (not something goggle had told me) and there is no other knitting shop for miles. After a second or two of annoyance I thought laterally and went hunting charity shops. I found grove house which had a box of needles which all I had to do was sort through for the size I needed.
Stop successful I got my connection to Hatfield arrived safe and got my room and settled in.
The Conference was amazing, I have notes and will be putting up more as I get settled home over the week but all I can say for now about the conference is wow!!!!! I will be going again! 2 days felt like a few hours, the talk, the sessions, the exhibition, the catering, the gala, still reeling nearly 2 weeks later :-D.
Devon was good and I have pictures to share when they are uploaded, and while we came home early it wasn't due to Devon, or my mum who was well this summer, but more to so much happening in our lives we need to be here to sort out.
Traylan was left to look after the Kittens and cats alone and it was trail for him as much as us, and was not a success... ho hum, teenagers!
Saturday, 25 June 2011
Calm in The Eye of The Storm
Thursday is also the 'bit of a do' for the leaving members of staff! it will be sad to lose them, I don't know all of them as well as I should. I am looking forward to the bun fight though, esp as some previous escapees will be back and the chat will be good :-)
Kitten are growing fast and mum isn't keeping up but then they are now old enough to be weened! and she is getting very fed up with them everywhere. we have had to booby trap the cat flap to stop them getting out! little cute cuddly monsters!!!!
Finally got a letter formally offering me my job! which I must reply too, and I also have to make sure school knows my IT needs and present situation! thank god for web based email...
Wednesday, 15 June 2011
sleep well
On a lighter note Kittens have discovered the joy of tree climbing but haven't quite worked out branches thank goodness. They grow and learn so fast, I brought down a mirror which got avoided then stalked, until attacked then ignored. The big sister still goes nuts at mirrors as she didn't meet any as a kitten! I think its sweet she doesn't know herself but two more attacking any shiny surface would do my head in!
Final comment on my week is the new ALO has a name... High Life Highland (HLH) which just takes me back to a comedy programme from the 90's called The High Life which makes feel like we are camp trolly dollies! But this does mean from August I am working for the council not the school and from October I am working for a private company owned by the council which runs the culture, libraries and leisure for Highland.
Saturday, 4 June 2011
Summer pours in
Tuesday, 1 March 2011
Passing Time
I plan to do the Na no wri mo this year and am getting characters and ideas ready, I must do my research now and a bit at a time, so when I write I am not having to delve back and for to the books for times and dates, some of it will be historical, while the rest present day, and I hope to write about a vampire who hasn't got any angst and isn't in school and doesn't lust after blood/teens/understanding, sorry all too cliche, I know some of this is good because cliche is good but really, I am fed up with angst vampires!!!
Had a meeting for work which has helped the work situation, no definite but lots of possible and maybe which is as close as we get to yes your okay, these days.
Sadly kept going all week until I had meeting last Thursday then crashed and ill all weekend, and still poorly Monday and sat keeping track but little doing, and today still rough at edges... mind you good time to unpick my knitting that went wrong last week, lost all sense of happiness when I found mistake and tried to fix higher up! blah, so I am unpicking, nearly done then happy again, knitting doesn't define me but is my happiness measure...
Finally joined the twitter world as biblios shall put link in when I am doing it next and hope to link to here as well...
Must get on and sort, more unpicking yet and then some CFE work!
Sunday, 20 February 2011
Twilight Zone
Ate out so many times last week I am stuffed and happy, even work took us out to Mackay's for lunch on Friday and I ate well...
Didn't get done what I planned for work but got other things done which was more useful and fun :-D
Great Stitch and Bleather yesterday, did loads, chatted a storm, knitted and relaxed. Oddly I didn't feel complete when I left, which it often does make me feel. Then again it has been an odd week and until I know what is happening about work, and other things I shall feel as if I am waiting.
My kids are playing words and we are trying to alliterate and not get it right, my fave was pseudo ptarmigan, with 2 silent p's.
I can't even settle to type, but I need to write some every day if I am to improve and maybe by November try the Nanowrimo? I shall plan...
Sunday, 13 February 2011
Thursday, 3 February 2011
Unsettling Times
mean while back at the ranch my youngest is due to go skiing for the first time and has his head in the clouds... la la la nothing to worry about, he goes 5am Saturday, whats the betting that Friday night is chaos! I want to be past and get him back already! but we have to get him packed and away first.
Have a lovely new book to read called the winter of my disconnect, which is fab and I am looking forward to it. also have full kindle to read and heaps of knitting! so busy old weekend for me :-D.
Sunday, 23 January 2011
Work and Rest
Wednesday, 19 January 2011
Fruit Loops Rule or is that drool?
Tuesday, 18 January 2011
New Leaf or new toy
I did wonder if that was too simplistic view but today it seems very attractive. The hassles are only small and easily overcome but seem so much larger somehow, must get more sleep, and maybe a nice walk if the trip home isn't too dark :-) the day is just as cool and bright but oddly not half as appealing as the other day.
Mood affects so much!
Monday, 17 January 2011
I shall bask in my glow and enjoy, as rain isn't far away this time of year.
Sunday, 16 January 2011
Stress and Sleep
Wednesday, 12 January 2011
New Year, New Goals
current goals, short term, more sleep and more knitting done! keeping my desk clear of the worst of the paper work and eating a balanced diet.
medium term, paint and draw more and worry less about work and if I keep/get my job and what is to come on that front, get out more and exercise for fun!
long term, re validate my chartership, reorganise my mess at home and work to new systems that work and can be explained, balance my own darn cheque book with out help!
I know some of these I will not do or do despite myself, and others I will discard as 'can not be bothered' when the going is tough (thougher?) but I hope and if I return often enough I shall remember and do.
I have been inspired by my friends to be more out looking and out going, this is my year of building and moving forwards. If Sharon can learn to dance I can at least find time to go on the odd walk!